About Miss. Dee

Hi, Everyone

I am Miss. Dee and this is the section that I am suppose to tell you all about me. I will be up front with you I am no expert in the field of mental health or interpersonal relationships. I have just learned to cope with having a long list of issues that effect being a parent, a friend, a daughter, a sibling, and a long list of other hats we all gather along the way of our path.

So where do I come from? I was born in California and I have traveled a little more than some, less than others. But no where near as much as I would like to. I joined the Navy right out of High School and was stationed on a ship home ported on a small Inland named Guam. Cool place to visit but so very humid it would rain on one half of the street and not the other. Awesome effect to see in person.

I been to Hong Kong and Japan. Would love to go back and visit both places for better exploration. I have eaten some interesting things in both places and drank some odd stuff. The best place to see a place is to let you self get lost. And I did I saw local shrines that had I stayed to well traveled area I wouldn’t of. The people are nice and respectful. I once lost my wallet with quiet a bit of money in it in a Japanese mall and got it back with all my money still in it. If something like that happened in the US we would be amazed but it is standard practice over there.

My Journeys have finally landed me in Florida were life never fails to be interesting and throws me curves balls all the time. Here I have learned to deal with grief and forgiveness. I have learned to be stronger for my 3 children and be thankful for each day I have with them.

